Dear Ava,
I cannot believe you are four years old. Where did the time go? You make me want to pull my hair out half the time, but the other half of the time you are one of the sweetest, smartest, most loving people I know.
I am amazed everyday by how independant you are and how smart you are. You are certainly beautiful but I hope you always put the worth of your brain above the worth of your beauty. I have no doubt in my mind that you can and will be whatever you want to be. The only thing that holds you back is you. I watch as you try to tie your shoes and get so frustrated that you cannot do it right away and that makes me so frustrated because I want you to understand that things take time. Not everything in life is easy but if you practice, you will get it. I hope you never give up on anything that you want.
You certainly have an amazing personality and you have since day one. You are a wonderful mommy, you are creative, and a goofball!
You are so loved by so many and I am thankful everyday for all of the wonderful people in your life. Never lose yourself, never stop being who you are, and never be afraid. You are so strong and brave and I admire you more than you will ever know. The last 4 years have been an honor to be your mommy and I can't want to see what the future holds.
Happy fourth birthday you silly, sweet, loving, strong willed little girl!